No. It’s not because of the prophecies, scientific nonsense and other bull crap.

It’s not because some giant meteor is going to crash land and unleash advanced alien forces that take us slaves to far reaches of the universe.

It's all bullcrapWhat if……??”

Two words for the destruction of the world. The words that succeed them are the ones responsible for what might happen in 2012. I do not wish to complete the sentence but I’m sure most of us would have completed it negatively, This is because I do not wish to contribute to the apocalypse, lest my theories be true.

Great thinkers have thought their way to success. Many people have willpower that drives them to success. It’s no secret folks. Psychologists and scientists jointly agree to the fact that it is the Law of Attraction that leads to this. Now many of you may be wondering what this “Law of Attractions” is. Nope folks. It isn’t anything to do with people falling in love. It isn’t related to gravity either. The Law of Attraction states that you achieve what you think. You become what you think. What you think paves the way for you to whatever the contents of the thought are. Pretty simple huh? Of course there is a catch to it. Thinking negatives in your thought would bring forth the negatives too. Okay, Most important point to be noted: Double negatives do not work! The “not” word doesn’t work. To be more specific, “I will not get stuck” is equivalent to “I will get stuck“. The word ‘stuck’ is the main target for this law.

Search ResultsOkay,  here I am talking as though the Law of Attraction actually works. For me, yes it does! And if anyone has a doubt I’d love to clear it  for them. Much as it has helped me, it’s going to help destroy the world in 2012. The expressions “2012”, “destruction”, “end of the world” has been so caught up in people’s mind, that these are what they think about! And thanks to movies being released, it’s going to push this more harder. Before you can stamp me a mad man I would like you to take your time and try it out. It’s the people who at the end bring about the destruction of the world, by thinking about it. Imagine, at least 500 million ppl in this world would have known about the prophesied end of the world  at 2012. Even if they don’t believe in it, what do they call it? The end of the world! Now that doesn’t sound very positive does it? Hundreds of million people thinking negative, definitely not good.

How about some positive descriptions? How about calling it… umm… “2012 nothing happens”; won’t work folks (hint: negatives). “Happens” will happen. Okay let’s try something else. “2012 everyone’s fine”.

I guess that’s fine. No harm done.

Did I just say harm?